The Grindstone Sportsmen’s Club, was formed about 1948, the original group met for a few years in bars, the Grindstone Store, and occasionally in the Grindstone School. They later merged with the Port Hope group. The present building of the Grindstone – Port Hope
Sportsmen’s Club, was once located in Lewisville, about 2 ½ miles south of its current location. The building was facing
south onto Kinde Road, next to the Lewisville Bar and was used as a dance hall. In 1950, the sportsman's group, purchased the dance hall for $1800.00. After replacing 19 joists in the floor to make it safe, they held their first Hunter's Ball and earned approximately $3000.00, which was more than enough to pay for the building. In 1973, the building was moved to its current location on Huron City Road.
Women attended meetings and held office while the building was in Lewisville, but were not given the right to vote or become members until 1974. The first written by-laws, consisting of Nineteen Articles, were duly adopted at a regular meeting, on January 31,
1955. The By-Laws, were signed by the President, Sylvester Inda, Vice President, Frank Peck and Secretary/Treasurer, Kenneth Perdue. The Club was incorporated in 1959.
We have recently discovered our history goes back further than we thought- Starting with the 'HURON ROD AND GUN CLUB' established April 30, 1936. We will be updating and adding a historical page to preserve whatever we can. We'd like everyone's help in tracking down some photos of the club founders.
Founders in 1936
Julius Waller (Wailer?)
Edwyn Johnson
William F. Meske
Walter Meske
Ben Meske
George Kauffman
Roscoe Schlucter
George A Plietz
Alfred Klemp
Fred Kriewall
Early members,
Ed Liedke
Peter F Richards
Alex Ruppel
Oren Doyle
Jack Graham
Ed Pease
Edwyn Johnson
1955 Marv Finkel during the heydays for pheasant hunting in the thumb.